The Workers and Socialist Party is supporting the struggle of Post Office workers against labour broking and corruption. Below is a statement by Gibson Ramoadi, general secretary of the workers’ new union, IICUOSA, on planned action for 23 October.


Pambili ngo mzabalazo!

Members of the Influential Information and Communications Union of South Africa (IICUOSA) in the Post Office (SAPO) have taken a resolution to embark on action after being patient with SAPO management for over twelve months. Promises were made and agreements were signed but they have not been implemented.


Fight labour broking!

This included the agreement to give around 860 casual employees full time contracts. But these workers are still getting paid as casual employees without benefits. They are performing the same job as full time workers but are paid less than half of what a full time worker is earning.

There are a further 6000 casual workers in addition to those who have signed full time contracts who have been working as casuals for the company for an average of eight years. The situation is very shocking in that SAPO management never even bothered to engage with our proposals that might assist the company to grow.


Fight corruption!

The Special Investigating Unit (SIU) was called in to investigate corruption in the company. So far there are no clear results. IICUOSA believes that Post Office has huge potential to grow, but with the corruption in the company it is not going to be easy for the company to run smoothly.

At IICUOSA, also known as Anti-Corruption Committee, we will not rest until the corruption in SAPO is cleaned and workers issues are addressed. Our members will be picketing at the company headquarters in Centurion on 23 October 2015 and handing a memorandum of demands to SAPO management.

We are calling upon the public to unite and take a stand against corruption and exploitation of workers. Let us work together in fighting for a corruption free South Africa.

Picket from 10am on 23 October at Post Office HQ, 350 Witch Hazel Avenue, Eco Point, Eco Park Estate, Centurion.

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