Manifesto & Programme of Action

Manifesto & Programme for Action

The Workers & Socialist Party was born out of the strike wave in the mining industry in 2012. The watershed of the Marikana massacre conclusively demonstrated the gulf between the ANC and their allies, and the mass of working class people they pretend to represent. There is no going back. The working class needs to reclaim its political independence.

We need a party that can unite our struggles and champion our interests as workers. We need a party based on our struggles, rooted in workplaces and working class communities, with a mass membership. We believe WASP can be such a party. WASP will base itself on the combativity of the working class evidenced in mass workplace struggles, mass service delivery protests, and student struggles against financial and academic exclusion. WASP will be a party of struggle, of unity and socialism.

WASP’s five point manifesto

  • Kick out the fat-cats. Nationalise the mines, the farms, the banks and big business. Nationalised industry to be under the democratic control of workers and working class communities. Democratic planning of production for social need, not profit.
  • End unemployment. Create socially-useful jobs for all those seeking work. Fight for a living wage of R12,500 per month.
  • Stop cut-offs and evictions – for massive investment in housing, electricity, water, sanitation, roads, public transport and social services.
  • For publicly funded, free education from nursery to university.
  • For publicly funded free health care accessible to all.

 WASP’s principles

  • We reject outright the corruption of pro-capitalist politicians and political parties.
  • All WASP candidates for publicly elected positions – whether councillors, MPLs or MPs – are elected subject to the right of immediate recall.
  • For workers’ representatives on workers’ wages. All officials elected on the basis of the WASP manifesto will only take the wage of an average skilled worker. The remainder will be donated back to WASP.

WASP’s programme of action

  • We are campaigning for a one-day general strike against mine closures.
  • We will campaign for rolling mass action across mining communities to build up towards a one-day general strike.
  • We will extend solidarity in action with all workers and working class communities in struggle whenever the need arises.
  • We aim to collect one million signatures in support of building WASP by August 16, 2013.
  • We will campaign to recall councillors who do not fight for the interests of those they are supposed to represent.

Download the WASP Manifesto & Programme of Action for use in your workplace, trade union, education institution or community.